



Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones…

Matthew 18:10 NKJV

The Child’s Cry

What is more heart wrenching than the cry of a child in terrible pain and distress? When children are in danger, unrelated adults will regularly go to great lengths, even sacrificing their own lives, in an attempt to save them. There are countless stories of teachers shielding children with their bodies during school shootings, Good Samaritans drowning to save a child in the water, and soldiers dying in an effort to save one injured child from a war-zone. Parents will do the same thing. How frequent are the stories of mothers and fathers risking their lives and sometimes dying to rescue children in a fire or donating a kidney to their child to extend their life? All around us are evidences of the common drive of men and women, Christians and non-Christians, to protect the lives of vulnerable children even at the cost of their own lives. When a child cries for help, nearby adults will rush to their aid. But what about the children whose cries and screams cannot be heard as they are brought to the brink of death? Will anyone come to their aid?

Last month a short video was released narrating the experience of an ultrasound technician who was called in to assist a doctor in a second trimester abortion. It is heartbreaking to watch, and I do not recommend it for those who are already aware of what takes place. I will summarize the account as follows: The pregnant mother was drugged, the abortionist was ready to begin, and the ultrasound technician was watching and narrating the events as they unfolded. He watched as the so-called doctor first tried a lethal injection through the belly of the mother. The baby felt the needle coming and curled up to the top of her mother’s womb just narrowly dodging the deadly needle. That was not the end, however; the abortionist would not be thwarted.

He then performed a Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) on the living baby, going through the mother’s cervix and with a special instrument took hold of the baby’s limb. It was clear on the ultrasound, the child did all she could to escape the foreign object, holding on for dear life to her mother from the inside, heart racing with adrenaline. Then the abortionist found his mark, reached her leg, and pulled with force until the leg detached from the body of the child. The baby went into survival mode, writhing in pain, curling up into a tighter ball as her heart raced faster with blood loss mounting. She moved ever closer to her mother, holding her mother for all she was worth, knowing that her mother who had cared for her this long would care for her now. But what she didn’t know was that her own mother who had cared for her was the very one who had paid the man to pull her limbs one by one off her body. An arm was pulled off next, then the other leg. The heart beat slowed, the baby’s panicked movements began to ease as the time of death approached. When the fourth limb was pulled off her body, the heart stopped altogether, the baby was dead. The abortionist earned his paycheck, the mother accomplished her daughter’s early demise, an innocent child was murdered, and the next patient was prepared.

That little girl and the 3,000 little girls and boys like her murdered each day by their parents were screaming for help as ferociously as children in the crossfire of bullets, in a house filling with smoke and flames, and in the torments of cancer. However, insulated by their mother’s protecting womb, no one hears the screams of the 3,000 children. Surrounded by the constant noise of politicians, so-called women’s rights advocates, and reprobate ministers, few give a passing thought to the thousands of children appointed by their parents to die each day. But the Lord, who made each little child and knows them, hears their cries. He is a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in the time of trouble (Psalm 9:9). He hears the desire of the humble, He does justice to the fatherless and oppressed (Psalm 10:17-18). Will you open your mouth for the speechless children who are appointed to die?

The World’s Wrath

Kill The Innocent

Each day the wicked in their pride go about persecuting the poor (Psalm 10:2). Thinking they have found success, they pass laws initiating unrestricted warfare on the most vulnerable among all God’s image bearers. If they cannot kill the child in the womb, they will spend the next few years trying to crush them with lies. Children will be exposed to horrific and grotesque sins in their public schools and libraries with the goal that each child will embrace these sins for the remainder of his or her life.

In the war of darkness, words and their meanings have become casualties. Evil is called good, good is called evil (Isaiah 5:20). The ones who say “Let the Black babies live,” are called white supremacists and racists while the ones dismembering Black babies are called lovers of freedom and reproductive justice. The ones who call out, “Hear, and your soul shall live!” are considered hateful while the ones who murder their own children or murder other people’s children for profit are called beautiful and loving.

With these ideologies embedded at the political, economic, religious, and academic levels, the results are destructive to a level incomprehensible to the human mind. Today there are approximately 42 million Black Americans living in the United States. Over the past 50 years, 21 million Black Americans have been murdered in abortion (in addition to a further 50 million of other ethnicities). A full 1/3 of the Black American population that should be with us today has been wiped out in this holocaust of horror and bloodshed that has been sold under the slogan, “freedom of choice.”

Eradicate the Gospel

The current objective of the abortion religion is to eradicate anyone and anything opposed to the wickedness of child murder. The radical feminist group SisterSong has as its stated mission to “strengthen and amplify the collective voices of indigenous women and women of color to achieve reproductive justice by eradicating reproductive oppression and securing human rights.” Eradicate means to effect the destruction of something. To exterminate, obliterate, wipe out, annihilate, liquidate, erase something that exists. That is the goal of those who love death, to eradicate those who love life and those who are now living in their mothers’ wombs.

“Reproductive oppression” is the euphemism for the love of life and the Life Giver, Jesus Christ. In several recent interactions with this group, the message and call of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ has been discarded as “oppression” and “hatred.” SisterSong has set itself against God’s Son, and seeks to annihilate that message of everlasting life and peace with God through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The ability to murder millions of children is insufficient in the eyes of the world. Those who would stand in the way and say, “Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that your sins might be blotted out,” are to be eradicated. These are the sides, life and death, good and evil, heaven and hell. There are no other ways. The world has chosen as it always chooses — death, evil, and hell. Will Christ’s people stand for the way of the Lord and plead the cause of the poor and needy?

The Church’s Focus

In response to the religion of death, many Christians have set their attention on helping pregnant women who are thinking about abortion. With an estimated 4,000 pregnancy resource centers in the United States, an incredible amount of work has been done to reach women before they turn to the abortion mill. Most of these centers have remained open even in the face of threats, vandalism and violence. Many children are alive because of the work of these clinics.

Against this tremendous array of resources, 3,000 women each day will still break through and pull into an abortion clinic to murder the life of an innocent child. There, on the front lines of the abortion divide, the need for the church is great, and yet the church is largely absent. Some suggest going to abortion mills to plead with women according to the Scripture to save their children is not effective. Others are worn out from decades of effort that seem to have borne limited fruit. Still others claim it is too confrontational to talk to women pursuing abortions. In the worst cases some professing Christians will suggest proclaiming the Word of God to dying children and their murdering parents will harm their own personal Christian witness. While few will put it in such clear terms, many are ashamed to stand for the Lord when the forces of darkness and evil are set against God and His image bearers.

Not Effective: For the last two years I have had the joy and sorrow of being outside abortion clinics along with other Christians at least once each week. On average, more than one child is saved from death by their parents every time we are outside with the Word of God. Some weeks there are zero children saved that we know of, other weeks three or more are brought home alive. On multiple occasions, twins have been destined for death in the morning and are alive and well in the evening. Regularly the reason for the change of heart is a conviction that the Word of God is true in the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder.” The Spirit brings some measure of conviction that true love is this, Jesus Christ laid down His life so that His children may live. It is hatred to take the life of one’s child in order to pursue some pleasure or goal. Our goal is to bring the gospel of God concerning Jesus Christ His Son to the dark and dying world that parents might turn from their sin, believe in Christ, and welcome their new child into the world. If they cannot care for the child, many resources are available to give the child to loving parents through adoption. The mission is not to bring the gospel instead of saving children as if the two were mutually exclusive. The Word always impacts life. If people hear and believe they will save their children. It is hard to imagine a better effect in this work than the sparing of those appointed for death.

Worn Out: Many of the battles against the abortion religion the past decades have been court battles and to some extent physical battles. At some point, those who are most heavily engaged grow worn out and weary from the fight. Today our goal is not to be the means of shutting down the mills per se (though I pray every day for those mills to be shut down forever). Our goal is to bring to the dead and dying the good news of salvation from sin and reconciliation to God through the Lord Jesus Christ. This always comes with the warning of condemnation on those who will not listen and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. If the Lord brings a great work of His Spirit in revival so that many are converted, abortion will cease. We bring the Word of God to the dying children and their parents. It’s tiresome work, and laborers need rest. But the work does not rely on the next court ruling or misdemeanor vandalism/trespassing (which we believe is contrary to God’s law and ought not to be done). Rather it rests on the promise and command of God to go to all nations with His Word. His Word will always have success. Two years in, I find the joy of the Lord is a greater strength than ever before. Desire for the lost to be saved only grows. All things can be done through Christ who strengthens us.

Too Confrontational: Given the time spent on this in prior articles, I will not spend much time on it again. I will, however, note the Lord’s interaction with Nicodemus in John 3. He was very direct, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?” Some have to be saved with fear, “pulling them out of the fire…” (Jude 23). If the Lord did not confront me I would be dead in my trespasses to sin. The gospel is confrontational. It tells those who are content with themselves that they are dead, unworthy sinners with no hope. It confronts sin head on and makes demands of the hearer. Many stumble over it and will not heed the call. But to the one who hears and believes, he shall find eternal life in Christ. Praise God for the confrontation of the gospel! If the preaching of Christ crucified ever ceases to be confrontational to the world it is nearly certain that neither Christ nor the cross are faithfully being proclaimed.

Harming the Christian Witness: Jesus said many hard things as He taught in Capernaum in John 6. Many of His followers turned away as a result. Jesus did not stop preaching, He pressed on teaching and preaching the truth because it was only by the truth that any would be set free. He did not change His message because some left and others mocked. A Christian witness is first and foremost a witness to the truth. If we will not lift high the banner of God and speak truth before murderers and perishing children, when will we do so? If we are ashamed to plead in the name of Christ for the life of a little baby sinfully appointed to die, what Christian witness do we have at all? If we are ashamed of God’s word at such an hour of need as the hour in front of us, will God not be ashamed of us when He comes with His holy angels?

This is the negative aspect. What about the positive?

I can tell you that there is a great assurance that comes to the believer as he stands firmly on the Rock that is Christ against the slander, hatred, and mockery of the world. The Lord said, “whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.” Jesus stood for Stephen as He was stoned in Acts 7. He stood with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace of Daniel 3. He will stand by you as you stand up for the voiceless, granting you boldness, confidence, and joy in the Lord.

The Scripture does not require each Christian to go witness at an abortion mill. But by all means, it requires mutual support and prayer for those who are going to witness and for the sparing of those innocent victims who cannot open their mouths to cry out for themselves. I praise God for the faithful prayers and witnessing activities of my pastor and fellow church members, family members and fellow elders near and far who not only come out to plead the cause of the speechless in person, but who also plead with God earnestly in prayer for the lives of the little ones. The Lord hears their cries and has saved many. May God’s people continue to call out to Him for the lives of the children according to the Lord’s command.

The Lord’s Command

Does God’s Word call for Christians to take a stand for the children appointed to die in their neighborhood abortion mill?

Open Your Mouth:

Before the wise words of Proverbs 31 that his mother taught him concerning a virtuous wife, King Lemuel proclaimed the wisdom of the Lord regarding the innocent on their way to be murdered:

Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9

Matthew Henry notes the focus of the verse on those unjustly charged with capital (death penalty) crimes. In these cases, the wise must open their mouths to avoid the shedding of innocent blood. As when Naboth was falsely accused and killed by Jezebel, so children are being falsely accused and killed by their parents (I Kings 21 / Proverbs 6:16-17). The charge brought against the children is that their very lives are a capital crime for which they must die. Their innocent blood is shed in vast quantities. For the children in the womb, the Lord commands His people, “Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of those appointed to die…”

The saying is repeated in verse nine because it is established by God (Gen. 41:32): “Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.”

It is interesting to observe how many will stand up to plead the cause of their sports team or their favorite politician. Neither of those groups are particularly poor or needy. But children in the womb do not have the government standing for their protection, they do not have doctors standing for their protection, their own parents are standing against them and paying for their murder. God’s people must open their mouths for the cause of the poor and needy.

Job took up this cry of the needy. He was “eyes to the blind… feet to the lame… a father to the poor… “(Job 29:15-16). God calls His people to open their mouths for the speechless, for the babies who cry out with none to hear. Will you open your mouth for the children appointed to die in the wombs of their mothers?

The Gospel Cry

I have many hopes for my lifetime. I hope to see my children’s children worshipping God in the splendor of holiness. I hope to see my local church filled to overflowing morning and evening with worshippers seeking to worship God in Spirit and in truth. I hope to see prodigal sons returned into the family of the household of God. I hope to see God’s servants going into the highways and hedges to compel the world to come into His house and dine with Christ at His table. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.

The church that witnesses to the lost and dying world is the church that is following in its master’s calling. The Christian who calls men and women, boys and girls to the feast is the Christian who knows something of the joy of the Master who spreads the feast. The Lord may or may not bring people in from your particular labors but He will honor that labor in His name by adding to the number such as should be saved. His Word will not and cannot return void. The brightness of His glory cannot be blocked out.

Will the church shine the light of Jesus Christ on the poor and needy, on the voiceless and their parents?

Will the church have pity on the poorest and sound the gospel trumpet in the darkness?

Will the church let the little children know, “When your mother and your father forsake you, then the Lord will take you up”?

Will the church tell parents, “Suffer the little children to come unto Jesus and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God”?

Will the church cry out to guards, abortionists, parents, and promoters of the abortion religion, “the Lord will break the arm of the wicked and evil man… that the man of the earth may oppress no more…seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, and will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon” (Psalm 10/Isaiah 55).

The day of the Lord is coming. To His sheep He will say, “come you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning…for I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.” The sheep will respond, “when were you sick or in prison and we came to you?” The king will answer, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me” (Matthew 25:33-40).

The least of the children are crying out, do not turn your ear away from their cry. Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Then behold what wondrous things the Lord will do!






For speaking engagements, short-term mission opportunities, or for more information around implementing an outreach ministry to the children and their parents at abortion mills, please send an email to: [email protected]






Copyright ©, LikeTheGreatMountains.com, 2022


Abortion and the Church After 50 Years – Like The Great Mountains · January 18, 2023 at 3:29 am

[…] euphemism of reproductive rights, to have a conflict with Bible believing Christians, and simply eradicate them by majority […]

50 Years of Legalized Abortion - Christianity House · January 22, 2023 at 3:05 am

[…] euphemism of reproductive rights, to have a conflict with Bible believing Christians, and simply eradicate them by majority […]

50 Years of Legalized Abortion - Modern Christian · January 22, 2023 at 3:06 am

[…] euphemism of reproductive rights, to have a conflict with Bible believing Christians, and simply eradicate them by majority […]

Seven Facts About Abortion - Like The Great Mountains · January 10, 2024 at 12:57 am

[…] hurts women”—safety in abortion is a regular talking point. Meanwhile, the little children in the womb are never safe in abortion!More than 99% of abortions result in death. Rarely does a […]

Seven Facts about Abortion · January 22, 2024 at 5:03 am

[…] hurts women”—safety in abortion is a regular talking point. Meanwhile, the little children in the womb are never safe in […]

Seven Facts about Abortion - Christianity House · January 23, 2024 at 3:04 am

[…] hurts women”—safety in abortion is a regular talking point. Meanwhile, the little children in the womb are never safe in […]

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