The following is adapted from a sermon preached on the same title and text December 20, 2020 at Redeemer Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia




When they had crossed over, they came to the land of Gennesaret. And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick, and begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment. And as meany as touched it were made perfectly well.

Matthew 14:34-36

In 2010 Forrest Fenn buried $2,000,000 worth of gold and precious metals in the Rocky Mountains. He published a cryptic poem enticing treasure hunters to search and find the treasure for themselves. Over 10 years, 250,000 people searched for the treasure and four died in the process before someone claimed to have found it in 2020. The individual who discovered the treasure has remained anonymous to the present day lest people come and try to steal his recently acquired fortune.

Whether it is the buried treasure of pirates, the gold of sunken Spanish galleons, or ancient artifacts hid in dessert caves, there is a great appeal to finding treasure. Massive human migrations have taken place during gold rushes. If you stumbled across a great treasure today, what would you do? If you are like me, you might be delighted at such a find. Shortly thereafter you would begin thinking about how to hoard and hide the treasure – maybe even how to sell it without drawing attention to yourself. Such is the way of worldly treasures. You can have them one moment and they can be stolen, taken, or lost the next. So great effort must be extended to hide and protect them.

The men of Gennesaret found an incredible treasure in Matthew 14 unlike any other treasure recorded in human history. The treasure they found was not able to be sold but it did have great power. The treasure was able to heal perfectly of disease. The treasure was able to forgive all sins that a sinner ever committed. The treasure was a person. The treasure was a man. But not any mere man, rather, they had found the God Man Jesus Christ. When Jesus landed on the shore of Gennesaret, a great treasure had come to that place and rather than hoard or hide Him, the men of Gennesaret went and called all of their countrymen to come and take hold of the treasure of Christ for themselves.

When they had crossed over, they came to the land of Gennesaret


Gennesaret is not a place we read of often in the Scripture. It was a small strip of land along the western side of the Sea of Galilee where there was also a small town with the same name. Matthew’s account in 14:34-36 and the parallel text in Mark 6:53-56 are the only references to the place outside of a passing reference in Luke 5:1. Gennesaret is often overshadowed in the region of Galilee by such nearby towns and villages as Capernaum just a few miles away and Nazareth and Cana within about twenty miles.

The account of Jesus at Gennesaret can be quickly read over because it comes at the end of one of the most famous days in Christ’s earthly ministry. The day before arriving at Gennesaret, Jesus fed the 5,000 with just five loaves and two fish. The night before arriving Jesus had walked out on the Sea of Galilee in a storm and came to the disciples on a ship where Peter had also walked on the water. With these great accounts in the life of Christ, Jesus is just about to enter into new discourses with the Pharisees around washing with hands in Matthew 15. But before He gets there, He comes to the land of Gennesaret where there was a little town. And it is there that a great event in Jesus’s ministry takes place that calls us like the wise men of old to seek Christ and when we find Him, to fall down and worship the King of Kings.

They Recognized Him
And when the men of that place recognized Him…


Upon landing the men of Gennesaret recognized Jesus. Some translations say the men of Gennesaret “had knowledge” of Jesus. The recognition, or knowledge that the men of the place had was not the same as we might think today. If I went into a restaurant and recognized John MacArthur I might say hello, perhaps take a picture with him, and maybe discuss the Scripture together if we had the time. Then I would leave and tell you I recognized John MacArthur at the restaurant and spent time with him. This was not what took place at Gennesaret. The men of Gennesaret surely recognized Jesus but they also recognized something about Jesus. They knew who He was, the Son of God, and who He was not, a mere man. They recognized He and power in and of Himself to do great works.

It is highly probable that some of the men at Gennesaret were fed by Jesus the day before in the miraculous multiplication of the bread and fish. At a minimum some had born witness to some of the miracles that Jesus had performed in his ministry until this time. By Matthew 14, Jesus had healed the blind and paralyzed, raised the dead, cast out demons, and calmed storms. They were witness to His authoritative preaching that led men and women to repentance, put to silence the religious leaders of the day, and called all to repent and believe for the Kingdom of God was at hand.

When the wise men traveled from the East to Jerusalem and than to Bethlehem they did so because they recognized the star of the Son of God and came to worship Jesus. When Mary went to her cousin’s house, Elizabeth recognized that Jesus was in the womb of Mary and worshipped her savior. John the Baptist, in the womb of his mother, lept in her as he recognized, even as an unborn child, that the Savior was present among men. Peter recognized Jesus truthfully when he boldly confessed later in Matthew that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God.

The men of Gennesaret recognized Jesus for who He was the Son of God; what He had done, many mighty miracles; what He had preached, the kingdom of God that was at hand; and what He was doing, saving sinners! Do you recognize the same Jesus Christ? Do you have knowledge of Him? Do you believe in Him and seek to meet with Him in His Word, Worship, and Prayer? That day in Gennesaret, the Savior had come, who is Christ the Lord!

They Sent Out
And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region…


Having recognized that the Messiah was with them in Gennesaret, the men of that place did not hoard or hide Christ for themselves as if they could hope to do such a thing. They sent out into all the surrounding region to tell others to come to Jesus. Mark’s account in 6:53-56 says that they ran through the whole region.

Can you imagine the joy on that day in Gennesaret as the men recognized the greatest treasure that ever a man saw or could possess walking among them. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was there. God was with them. They were so filled with joy and awe of the Lord that they left Christ’s presence to run around the whole region telling them that Christ was with them. They could not rest until they had made good effort to have others make Christ their own even as they themselves had taken possession of Christ by faith in Him. This should be the way of all who have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. We want all to come to the living waters to drink and be satisfied. We want all to come to the bread of life and eat and be filled. Are we sending out all around proclaiming the glory, power, and might of the Lord Jesus Christ?

When the Shepherds were watching their flocks late at night and the angels came bearing glad tidings of great joy, the Shepherd left their flocks and visited Jesus, lying in a manger. When they left that place they did not hide what had happened but “made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child.” They returned to their labors glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had seen and heard.

When the Samaritan woman in John 4 left Jesus’s presence she ran into the city and told the men to “come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” Even those Jesus healed and told them to keep it quiet went and spread His fame abroad.

There is no limit to Christ’s power and glory and the men of Gennesaret knew this. So they ran around seeking to bring all to Christ. If you have not found Christ, He is here presented to you by the account at Gennesaret. He is fully God and fully man. He has all power in Heaven and in Earth and He is able to save you from your sins. Trust in Him, believe in Him, take hold of Him by faith and be saved.

If you have found Him, recognize Him, and are resting in Him, will you spread His name abroad?

Brought to Him
And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick…


The labors of the men of Gennesaret were not in vain but they were able to bring many sick to Jesus Christ. They did not simply tell of Christ they brought the sick to see Christ for themselves. We must notice who they brought – “all who were sick.”

Jesus did not come to heal those who thought they were already well. Jesus did not come to save the righteous. Jesus came to bring sinners to repentance. Those who think they are well or righteous will not come to the Savior for they think they have no need for a Savior. If someone is dying of cancer and thinks they are cured and well they will not submit to medical treatment. So those who are clinging to the miserable estate of sin and misery will not come to the one who can deliver them.

Do you see yourself properly as a desperate sinner in need of a Savior? Do you acknowledge that there is nothing in you that can pull you out of the muck and mire of sin and its torments?

We may not be physically lame, blind, deaf, or lepers. But we certainly are spiritually sick, and worse than that, we are actually dead in our trespasses and sins. We are filled with sin. Given over to such vile affections as homosexuality, alcoholism, pornography, sinful anger, lying, covetousness, grumbling, gossip, envy, and list goes on. The men of Gennesaret help us to see yet again that there is a Savior for wretched sinners such as you and me and His name is Jesus Christ. Come all you who are weary and heavy laden says Jesus and He will give you rest. We were all once given over to these sins but we were washed, we were sanctified, we were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

The men of Gennesaret bid you come to Jesus today. The bride of Christ, the church, bids you come to Jesus. The Spirit bids you come to Jesus. Will you not come today to the one who brings salvation and healing?

And Begged Him
And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick, and begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment…


Having sent to all the surrounding region and brought the sick unto Jesus the men of Gennesaret than prayed to Jesus. They begged Him that they might only touch the bottom of Christ’s garment to be healed. In these words of the men of Gennesaret, we see a simple, reverent, and urgent prayer.

Their prayer was simple – they needed healing. They did not wax eloquent about other things, the need of the present hour was healing and they pleaded with Jesus for that healing.

Their prayer was reverent. They did not demand it of Christ for who were they to command the Son of God. But with humility and reverence they pleaded with Him, not to touch His hand or head or face but the bottom of His garment. They viewed themselves as unworthy before God but knew that He was all sufficient to heal and could do so if He willed, even with a touch of his clothes. When we come to God we must do so with reverence.

Their prayer was urgent. They could not wait any longer but needed cleansing now! Like the woman with the issue of blood, she could not wait to get Jesus’s attention so she reached out in the crowd to touch Jesus clothes and she was healed. Who could tell these people if Jesus would be available tomorrow or if they would be alive tomorrow. Their need was today while it was the day of salvation. Friend, if Christ returns tomorrow it will be too late to repent and believe in Him for salvation. If you should die tonight, you will not have another opportunity. Now is the hour to believe!

As Peter began to look away from Jesus and down at the storm and the winds he called out three simple words, “Lord, save me!” It was a very simple prayer – Peter needed to be saved from the waves. While in great distress it came with great reverence for Jesus as Peter still called Him “Lord”. It is hard to imagine more urgency in the prayer for Peter was about to be swallowed up by the water. “Lord, save me!” Oh that men and women would call out to the Lord in faith with these words. Such a simple prayer and such a simple task but unless the Spirit of God works in us, the strongest man in the world cannot cry out to God. But, with the Spirit of God, the sickest, weakest, sin stained man on his deathbed, can cry out to God and be saved.

Come to the Lord with your need today. Come to the Lord repenting of your sins and looking for pardon and forgiveness. He will give you forgiveness and in Him alone you will find rest for your soul.

As Many As Touched It
And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick, and begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well


The men of Gennesaret recognized Jesus, they sent out, they brought in, they prayed, and the Lord answered their prayers. As many as touched it were made perfectly well.

We must not jump to the being made well without considering the first portion of the sentence, “as many as touched it.” That is the hem of Christ’s garment. They had to touch it and as many as did were made perfectly well.

It was not however sufficient just to see Jesus and acknowledge He was a great man or even the Messiah. They had to take hold of Him as their own. They had to trust in Him and have faith in Him as the healer of mankind, as the Savior of souls, as the sin-bearer who would make atonement for them, as God and Lord.

Like the Israelites in the wilderness who were bitten by serpents had to look to the bronze serpent in order to be healed so the Gennesarites had to touch Jesus’s garment to be healed. Jesus is freely offered to all but only those who receive Him by faith will become the children of God and receive eternal life.

Many religions acknowledge Jesus to some extent. Many living in all manner of sin today think highly of Jesus and may even sing of His name, attributes, word, and works at Christmas time. But very few have taken hold of Jesus Christ by Faith as Savior, God, and Lord.

As many as touched the hem of Jesus’s garment were made perfectly well but only as many as touched the hem of His garment were made well.

As many as repent of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation will be saved but only as many as repent of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation will be saved.

Made Perfectly Well
And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick, and begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.


Here at the conclusion of Christ’s time in Gennesaret we have the highlight of the whole text. The message of the men of Gennesaret was no fool’s message. Jesus Christ was able to heal and He healed perfectly. I have never experienced a healing such as this from any disease or ailment in this life. I have take medicine for a bad cold and found partial relief for some symptoms but I have never taken medicine for anything and had immediate relief for all symptoms with restoration to complete strength and health. Yet when Jesus healed in Gennesaret, as many as touched his garment were made perfectly well.

The lame did not hobble around after Jesus healed them, they ran, walked, and lept for joy because they had received perfect healing from the Savior.

The blind were not restored to partial vision, or color blindness, they had 20/20 vision because Jesus made them perfectly well.

The leper did not see his disease go into remission, rather his skin became as soft as a child’s because, as with Naaman in Israel long ago, Jesus made him perfectly well.

Jesus did not heal partially that day outside the little town of Gennesaret, He healed perfectly. The sick were made perfectly well.

Men and women, boys and girls, the same Jesus who made men and women perfectly well at Gennesaret is making men and women perfectly well today. Emmanuel, God with us, was with His people in Israel 2,000 years ago and is with us still today.

In this life, Jesus removes the guilt of our sin, past, present, and future, completely. He makes us perfectly well from the guilt and penalty of sin for He paid it all. He makes us righteous, clothing us with His righteousness in that great act of imputation. One day in glory we shall be made perfectly well even unable to sin. If we have taken hold of Christ by faith we can look forward to that day of glorification when our bodies and souls will be reunited and we are made perfectly well in our flesh for all eternity. Jesus Christ does not make sinners a little better, on the mend, or almost saved. Jesus Christ makes sinners perfectly righteous in His sight and saves them to the uttermost.

Nothing more could be done to make those sick well in Gennesaret. Jesus made them perfectly well. There is nothing further that can be done for your salvation, Christ Jesus had done it perfectly. He is the all sufficient Savior and all who will look to Him, take hold of Him, believe in Him, have faith in Him, trust in Him, will like Simeon on that day of Christ’s circumcision, take hold of the Salvation of God. His name was called Jesus for He would save His people from their sins!

Do you recognize Jesus Christ today and have faith in Him? Are you fleeing from all immorality, sin, and offense against Christ and His Word? Have you been washed and cleansed by the blood of the lamb? Have you tasted and seen that the Lord is good? Have you seen the treasure beyond all measure that you have in Jesus Christ the Savior? If you have, will you remember the men of that town of Gennesaret who when they recognized Jesus, sent out, brought in the sick, pleaded with God for healing, and saw with their eyes the Lord making them perfectly well.

Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!




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