So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
II Kings 6:!6 NKJV
Parents can attest that it is very common to give instructions to their children and immediately hear a child respond, “Why?” This question often frustrates parents and sometimes we respond abruptly with, “Because I said so!” While the question may come with a disobedient or complaining heart which must be addressed, on its own, the question is logical and a reflection of God in whose image we are made. Because God created us with reasonable souls we desire to understand the reason behind what we are told. He gave us knowledge, righteousness, and holiness and told us to pray and seek after these attributes. While we will never have wisdom, knowledge, righteousness, or holiness like unto God for He alone is most Holy and Wise, we nevertheless are able to think, reason, and apply wisdom according to the measure that He has graciously given to us.
However, just because we are reasonable creatures does not mean we always deserve or receive a reason. There may not be time for a reason to be given (“Get out of the street!”). It may not be our place or station in life to have a reason (“Road closed”). God who is most free and incomprehensible certainly does not in any way owe His people a reason for the commandments that He gives us. We do not deserve such knowledge from God. He is the potter and we are the clay. He is the Creator and we are the creature. But God who is most merciful, gracious, abundant in goodness and truth, determined by Himself alone not to leave us in suspense about all things but gives us the true reason behind those commands which are most necessary for faith and life. God who tells us “not to fear,” also tells us why we ought not to fear.
Inside of Dothan surrounded by the enemy the reason not to fear was one of simple logic. “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” What army of 100,000 would fear when arrayed against an army of 10,000? What dark alley is intimidating when you are with a large group? What child of God would fear the powers of darkness when those who are with him are more than those who are with them?
The rationality of the instruction is easy to understand. The servant should not fear because there were more with him than against him. As we will soon see, Elisha and his servant are with an army larger in number, power, position, endurance, holiness, and truth. There was no place for fear, only faith in the Lord who rules and defends His people with greater power and might than anything the world can hope to muster.
Jesus tells you and me not to fear. We are only to believe in Him. Is this a reasonable command? Is our faith reasonable? What about God makes it reasonable for us to trust Him rather than fear?Who has created all things? Who raised the dead? Who healed the lepers? Who cast out demons? Who spoke and the wind and waves listened? Who gives us life and breath each day? Who stretched out the heavens in a span? Who counts all the nations as the dust of the balance and as a drop in a bucket? Has not the Lord God Almighty, our Redeemer, done all these things? No one else possesses such power but God alone (Isaiah 40).
The Lord who has done all of these great things condescends to reason with us accordingly to His glory, power, and grace. “Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). “These things have I written unto you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God” (I John 5:13).
In the light of God’s power and glory it would be the greatest folly and most unreasonable not to trust in Him. To trust in God is not only the call of the gospel but the beginning of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Here is our reasonable duty from the most wise and powerful God: Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.
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