So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
II Kings 6:16 NKJV
Often in Scripture we read of God’s people facing terrible odds on the field of battle. Gideon had 300 men against an army of Midianites so large that Scripture simply tells us “their camels were without number”. David was a young shepherd without armor against the champion of the Philistine army who stood nine feet tall and had a spear like a weaver’s beam. King Hezekiah had but few soldiers in comparison to at least 186,000 Assyrians that were camped around Jerusalem. And yet, in all of these situations, God’s people enjoyed massive victories at the hand of the Lord. We do not read of massive angelic armies surrounding Gideon or Jerusalem like at Dothan so how was it that God’s people enjoyed victory?
It is not only the angels of the army of the Lord that are with the Lord’s people but also the Lord God Himself. He is called the Commander of the armies of the Lord (Joshua 5:13-15), the Lord of Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts. The Lord is with His armies, He leads His armies, and He is the power of His armies. His power is so great that He does not need armies of angels though He has seen fit to have legions upon legions of them at His disposal. When David went against Goliath, Gideon against the Midianites, Jehoshaphat against the Moabites, Ammonites, and the people of Mt. Seir, the Lord of Sabaoth went before them and by His might He gave great victory to His people. The Lord God is omnipotent, He is all powerful such that nothing can be compared to His might, and He is with us.
This Psalmist did not fear when an army encamped against Him or war rose against Him because the all powerful Lord of Sabaoth was with Him. When a thousand fall at his side and ten thousand at his right hand the Christian must not fear because the Lord is his refuge and the Lord is more powerful than all the armies of the world.
Even when there are no Christians nearby the power of God is present and at work against His enemies. Remember the days in I Samuel 5 when the Ark of the Covenant was captured from Israel and taken to the Philistine city of Ashdod. The Philistines brought the Ark into the temple of their half man half fish idol called Dagon. When the men of Ashdod went into the temple in the morning Dagon had fallen over before the ark of the Lord. The fish god made of stone, the work of men’s hands, had to be lifted up by his followers and set back in his place as it could not so much as stand on its own. The next day the priests of Dagon returned to find their fish god had fallen over a second time, and beyond repair as his head and hands had broken off. The Lord God Almighty has power over the gods of the world for they are mere idols of wood, stone, and man’s imagination. The living and true God is surely more powerful than all of them.
Elisha and his servant were well protected in Dothan because those with them were more in number than their enemies. With the Lord of Hosts as the Commander, those with them were also more in power and might than their enemies. With such an uncommon and overwhelming combination of might and numbers on our side, with God on our side, who can possibly be against us?
May the Lord grant great boldness and confidence to His people as we labor on for the advancement of the glorious kingdom of Grace. The power of God who is with us is far greater than any powers that are against us.
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More in Power - The Aquila Report · January 24, 2021 at 5:01 am
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