“Do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” II Kings 6:16
Imagine one day you were to wake up in your house, get out of bed, look out the window, and all around your home and for as far as you can see, a hostile army is arrayed in battle formation. They have come to capture or kill you. They not only brought small weapons but they brought great weapons of war out of fear you may somehow try to resist. What would be your response to this situation early in the morning?
If the scenario seems far fetched, this was exactly how the morning started for the servant of Elisha more than 2,500 years ago in the city of Dothan. Surrounding this man was a mighty army of the much feared Syrians.
The response of most to such events is fear. What other event could be much more dreadful than a whole army not coming for you, but already here for you? Perhaps similar fear might come during a great storm on the sea and your ship is ready to sink (Mark 4:35-41); or when a figure like a spirit is walking on water towards you (Mark 6:49-50); or perhaps the death of a loved one (Mark 5:22-34)?
To all of these terrors that arise, Elisha the prophet of God and Jesus the great prophet who is God in the flesh, say this, “Do not fear.”
A couple of my children have at different times in their life been afraid of the dark. As my wife and I try to comfort them, we would often tell them, “Dont be afraid, there is nothing to be afriad of….” One night my son said to me, “how am I supposed to stop being afraid when I’m scared?” This was a good question. Why should my son not be afraid of the scary darkness in his bedroom just because I told him not to be afraid? Why should the servant of Elisha not be afraid of the army of Syrians around him?
Perhaps if Elisha had stopped with “Do not fear” his servant would still have been afraid. But Elisha did not stop there. Rather, he also told his servant why he should not fear. “For those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Here is the reason not to be afraid. Any man or woman boy or girl can understand it. If there are two armies of equal equipment equal terrain, and equal valor, the army with the greater number of soldiers would win. If you are with the larger army you do not need to fear. There are more for you.
If you do not need to fear in such a situation where your side is larger in quantity, how much more can you be confident when your larger army is also better in quality ? What would you need to fear when the enemy comes at you with horses and chariots of wood and steel but the army with you, larger in number, comes with horses and chariots of fire? What has Elisha’s servant to fear in this situation?
There is just one problem for Elisha’s servant. He cant see his own army. He only sees Himself, Elisha, and perhaps a few soldiers of Dothan. Where is the army that is greater than the Syrian army?
In one of the great accounts of Scripture, Elisha prays to the Lord to open the eyes of his servant which God does and all around Dothan, within Dothan, and around Elisha are horses and chariots of fire. The army of the Lord is with Elisha and His servant and this army is far greater than any other army especially in comparison to the ungodly and in contrast, under-equipped, Syrian army.
Can we say that it is here where a Christian apologist must find his beginning and here where the Christian’s faith finds its foundation. The Lord God Almighty is greater than all else. None can withstand Him for He created all things and by His sovereign will and providence He brings all things to pass. The Lord and His mighty host are greater in quantity and greater in quality than all that oppose Him. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me (Psalm 118:6)?
In the next few posts we will develop this concept further. How the greatness and power of God, His sovereignty, omnipotence, and majesty, should be the driver for us to live out our Christian lives in faith and confidence, speaking and living the truth always, for we have nothing to fear. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them so may we be bold and valiant for standing for the truth of the Triune God and His Holy Word.