I Kings 18:22-25

“Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.” Psalm 60:12

The enemies of God were plentiful that day on Mount Carmel when Elijah appeared as the only prophet of God in opposition to Ahab and 450 prophets of Baal.* The audience was tremendous as Scripture says, “Ahab sent to all the people of Israel” (18:20). We should notice the control that the Lord granted Elijah in this situation. Elijah, by the mouth of God, called for the meeting, set the location of the meeting, and determined who would attend the meeting. And they all came.

After he rebuked the irrational and irreconcilable practices of Israel (worshiping two gods), Elijah presented a public challenge. There would be two bulls given, one for the prophets of Baal and one for Elijah, the sole prophet of the Lord. There would be wood for two altars. But, most importantly, there would not be any fire to burn the sacrifice. The prophets of Baal would call on their god and Elijah would call on the name of the Lord. Whichever God answered the prayer of His prophet(s) with fire, that would be the only true God.

Israel saw the wisdom of this challenge and publicly acknowledged that the challenge was well established. It was fair and effective, able to determine for all of Israel who was the true God.

Furthermore, the challenge was set in favor of the priests of Baal. The priests of Baal would have their pick of the two bulls and would go first. With 450 priests and the right to go first without even a coin toss, the challenge was heavily, from man’s perspective, skewed in their favor. If Baal answered with fire the challenge would be completed before Elijah even had a chance to pray.

We should never be disheartened when the wicked seem to have the advantage. As Christ was taken by the chief priest’s guards in the garden, led to Pilate, condemned to the cross, nailed to the tree, pierced in the side, and buried in the tomb, it seemed that death had gained its greatest victory. However, anyone who thought this had forgotten the words of Jesus when He said of His life, “no man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again” (John 10:18). Three days later, Jesus Christ rose from the dead defeating death and sin for all His people. In the greatest hour of evil, the greatest victory of righteousness was won.

The Lord is triumphing over the wicked today and will triumph over the wicked again. Though they may seem strong at the moment, in the great day of the Lord every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, and the glory, honor, and power of the Lord Jesus Christ will be revealed not just to one nation gathered on a mountaintop but to the whole world.



*450 prophets of Baal were present, but the original command was also for 400 prophets of Asherah. These additional 400 are not mentioned later in the chapter, so their involvement in this episode is not known.





Al · April 8, 2020 at 6:38 pm

Just want to say, Amen!

Suzanne Bialoskurski · April 9, 2020 at 11:15 am

Wonderful Devotional – He is Risen Indeed. Amen

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